
We are specialists in

payroll hr advice absenteeism reduction highly skilled migrants payroll processing mobility solutions payroll “as a project”

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We are payrolling specialists by nature, but we do so much more to unburden you as an entrepreneur on everything that has to do with being an employer. Feel free to walk around on our completely renewed site and contact us for a substantive conversation or just a good cup of coffee as an introduction.

Adrie Achterberg

. live work make do good . peter-hershey-112799

our why


We opt for human capital and not for human capital. Power is what man can realize, the unprecedented powers that can be released if the base is right. Human capital needs a healthy basis to be able to flourish, to be able to reach value (bloom). We want to offer that basis as Moofpeople. For an organisation, for an individual and for our society.



Starts with excelling in the ordinary things around work that are vital. Worthy of trust by taking care of the entrepreneur and his employees every day from a human scale. Knowing that there is always room for a question and time for a help-oriented answer. But more is needed.


do good

do good is what drives us to work with and for people and organizations good grounds to realise. The foundation that is solid and certain, that invites and challenges you to find the drive to get the most out of your own abilities based on mutual trust.


In this way we look at the world of work, but also at the world beyond. We are committed to making the world a little more beautiful, finer and more fun for everyone. Live, work, make & do good!

Picture 1 do good

Is our view on the world of work and the world around it. We are committed to making that world a little more beautiful, finer and more fun for everyone. Live, work, make & do good!

who we are

As a team, we collectively have more than 75 years of experience in the labor market, with an emphasis in recent years on facilitating good employment practices for our customers and employees. Started from pay-rolling, we now provide a wider range of services that we have brought together under the name moof.work. Learn more about us >>

. moof.work fit pay impact . Picture 1

What we do

For each other, with each other…

From the human dimension, we try to do all the usual things around work unusually well every day and at any time. We facilitate the world of work and the agreements that are made about it. So that employer and employee can focus on their collaboration. With moof.work, for example, we provide a coherent package of services that ensure an unusually carefree employership. And actually also for unusually carefree employment.

Picture 2 moof.fit

The right fit is when talents and mentality match the culture and the challenges the organization faces. It is also the management of sickness and absenteeism. Take preventive measures and if things do go wrong, guide the sick person back to work properly and with a human touch.>>


is the settlement of the pay for the work. Based on, for example, the rules of payrolling or the self-employed, we ensure the legally correct settlements. Salary, emoluments such as car, holiday pay, bonuses, etc. Etc. Naturally fully in line with existing collective labor agreements.>>


is our program to support the effectiveness of a company and its employees. When culture, talent and skills are in balance, there are the ‘good grounds’ for a sustainable successful organization.>>


How we work

moof twee mannen achter laptop

Our principles

Moofpeople’s principles are incredibly simple and clear. This means that the human dimension is the only measure for us. Do we have a heart for your people and your business? We easily take that extra step and surprise you with appropriate advice. And when we make mistakes, we recognize them and make sure they are corrected. That too is an unusually carefree employer for us.


Specific Challenges

For example, do you have a particularly high absenteeism due to illness within your organisation, or are there (labour) mobility issues? Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can find a suitable approach / solution together.

Picture 1 Stimulate human capacity

What we are committed to is the blossoming of human potential. The ability to adapt, learn in the knowledge that changes are all-encompassing and rapidly sequential. This capacity will be heavily and urgently called upon in the near future. Then it is nice if the ‘good grounds’ are there on which that human capacity can grow and flourish.

Triple A

Of course you can choose a certain element of our service. However, you can also collaborate more fundamentally with us on your organization of tomorrow. For example, where do you want your organization to be in 2 or 5 years? For example, what adjustments are needed here? What does that point on the horizon mean for the organization, your employees, the tasks, the talents and their skills? Knowing more.>>

. live work make do good .

Our social contribution

Live, work, make, do good

The conviction of Moofpeople. In everything we do, we look for the good every day and every moment. The best for everyone. By always striving to realize the best for our own small world, we hope to contribute our stone to the greater changes of our society.


That’s why we try to select those projects and talents in our support that make the world we live in and the planet we inhabit a little better, more beautiful, kinder, more inclusive and more balanced. Are we sincere and committed as a supporter of talent.

Picture 4 do good, let’s build good grounds

We want to offer a familiar environment in which to develop, especially for those people who are in danger of falling outside the regular labor market due to bad luck or problems with their talents. That’s good grounds, the store has become different from all the others. >>

do good, let’s moof.all

The network of entrepreneurs and organizations for whom and with whom we as Moofpeople work. A platform for ‘do good entrepreneurship’, where we can lend each other a helping hand. To create and realize opportunities together. >>

do good, talent support

Our sponsorship is literally a supporter of talent. All the talent and no matter in what form. For example, we support the Women’s Eredivisie of the Heerenveen Football Association and, for example, we have also helped the HOI foundation in its work on the acceptance of dyslexia. Do you want to know more? >>


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